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Teddy Bears Made Out of Raw Chicken Are a Thing

If you want your kids to quickly outgrow their stuffed animals . . . do we have the nightmare fuel for YOU.

There's a woman named Maggie in Metairie, Louisiana, and she's selling teddy bears made out of RAW CHICKEN on Facebook.

She literally stitches together raw chicken parts in the shape of a teddy bear . . . and you can cook it and eat it. The bears look like  something out of a horror movie.

Unfortunately, it looks like Maggie is temporarily out of the chicken bear game, because now that her listing is going viral, she pulled it  down.

It's a shame too, because the price was a very reasonable $35 . . . or  $25 if you provided the chicken. And she also said she could make  clothes for your chicken bear. Does it need them? (Yahoo)  

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