It's so easy to get wrapped up in the ugly drama of life. All the bad news, everybody mad on much negativity everywhere you look. And if y'all ain't' careful, you'll keep sinkin' in all that mess til you drown.
It's easy to miss all the good in life. And there is...SOOO much good in your life. You just have to look. You just have to open your eyes to it. I've got your answer. I can help lift your spirits with three little words.
"I Have Enough."
Don't make enough money? Tell yourself, "I have enough." Don't have a great job? Tell yourself, "I have enough." Crappy car? "I have enough." Not enough time? "I have enough."
Try it this week whenever you start to feel like you don't have enough love, or attention, or money...WHATEVER.
There's a great article about this very thing on Fox News. CLICK HERE.