There's a lot of smart folks who actually believe their smart phone is listening to them. I'm one of 'em. Kinda.
Why? You're having a conversation about something, say a cruise, and later that day (sometimes in a matter of minutes) . . . an ad for a cruise pops up on Instagram or Facebook. We all swear up and down we've never googled it, never typed it in a browser . . . nothing. It just shows up. So the phone MUST be listening!
BUT . . . think of all the words you've said around your smart phone today. For example, you probably said, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Or, "I'm gonna get coffee." Did you suddenly start getting ads for "bathroom remodeling?" No. Coffee ads? Probably not.
An engineer buddy of mine told me your phone would have to be listening constantly and sending data constantly if this were true . . . and it would drain your battery.
It's all coincidence. Nothing more.
Here's my theory. When you buy a new car . . . let's say a Dodge, you suddenly notice more trucks on the road than ever before. Play "Punch Bug"? You'll see VW Beetles everywhere. If you think about sun chips, see or say sun chips, all of a sudden . . . you see it in other things. Oh, and . . . there's even a name for it: Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Read all about it HERE.