Why Is Chase Rice "Jacked Up" by What "The Bachelor" Did to Him?

CHASE RICE will be performing on next Monday's "The Bachelor" . . . and that's good exposure for him, right? Well, yes, but there's a twist . . . because there's always a twist on that show.

In the episode, Bachelor PETER WEBER takes contestant VICTORIA FULLER on a date that includes a private concert. And when she sees it's Chase Rice she tells Peter that they dated. Then the tears flow, because tears always flow on that show.

Chase didn't know any of this. No one told him she was a contestant, and he's not happy about it. He told PopCulture.com, quote, "I don't know exactly what happened. I wish it wouldn't have happened, but I understand it from their side of it.

"They've got to make TV [but] it's pretty surprising that they brought me into that, and I don't think it's a coincidence. It's either the reality TV gods, just some crazy coincidence or some producer did a really good job.

"Either way, it's pretty weird they pulled me into that. That's a little jacked up they're going to do that to me. It was a pretty big surprise that wasn't what I wanted."

Chase says he negotiated with the show for about a year, but he never thought they'd pull him into the storyline. And yet, here we are talking about it and I think he realizes that's a good thing.

He adds, quote, "At the end of the day, if it brings it back to the music and if it brings people to my music, that's what I want people to take away from it. If the music's good, it'll always go back to that."

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